Mom Owned and Operated

Unlocking Success by Embracing Change with Christina Flach

Rita Suzanne Season 6 Episode 87

In this episode of the Mom Owned and Operated podcast, Rita Suzanne and Christina Flach discuss raising a family, running a business and remembering yourself.

Christina is a world renowned celebrity makeup artist with experience working with celebrity clientele, magazines, and big name brands. She has been featured in Vogue, People, Time, and Elle, as well as campaigns for Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, Macy’s, and Bloomingdales.

She is the creator and CEO of her own makeup brand, Pretty Girl Makeup. Christina also writes articles detailing the must know tips, tricks, and hacks of the makeup, wellness, and nutrition industries. As well as creating a successful career as a makeup artist, she is also a philanthropist who has used her platform to raise funds for various philanthropic causes such as children's education and sepsis awareness.

Christina has participated in numerous podcasts, TV, radio, and magazine interviews to raise awareness for the causes she holds close to her heart.

You can connect with Christina on her website, at Pretty Girl Makeup, on Instagram and Pretty Girl Makeup's Instagram.

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Rita Suzanne:

Hi, this is Mom Owned and Operated. I am Rita, suzanne, and today I have my guest, christina with me. Christina, I am so excited to chat with you. Please tell everyone all about you, your business and your family.

Christina Flach:

Wow, that's a long that's a long time. My name is Christina Flack. I'm a celebrity makeup artist. I am the CEO of Pretty Girl Makeup and I'm Too Busy Cosmetics and Skin Care. I am a TV host on I'm Too Busy TV. I am a celebrity makeup artist beauty expert on California Live on NBC. I'm a mother of five. I'm a philanthropist on California Live on NBC. I'm a mother of five. I'm a philanthropist. I am a sepsis awareness advocate and I think that is all my titles.

Rita Suzanne:

Wow Five, you have your hands full.

Christina Flach:

They're 30, 28, 23, and 17. Wow, almost 18. Next month 18. Wow, baby's getting all big.

Rita Suzanne:

Yeah, yeah, I mean that's amazing. So how long have you been doing makeup? First of all, you're gorgeous.

Christina Flach:

You're very nice. I have been doing makeup my entire life. Just I was messing around with my family and friends and doing proms and weddings and then, you know, some photographers asked me to do some jobs and then I miraculously got some things you know in magazines, and so then I was very lucky to be getting an agent and so that really changed the trajectory of my career, because then with the agents you know, I started working with different celebrities and TV and different fashion houses. So it kind of I didn't expect to do any of these things that I'm doing, which is kind of interesting. You know, most people kind of have a clue of what their career is going to be like, but I really didn't.

Christina Flach:

It's just kind of one thing led to another and a lot of uncomfortable situations. Like you know, going in front of a camera was not ever something I wanted to do. So when I was asked by NBC to be a beauty expert, my first reaction was absolutely not I like being behind the camera in front. But then, you know, my friend was the host and he's just said look, this is everything you know, and get comfortable being uncomfortable, you might be surprised what happens. And so after he said that I it really changed everything, because I thought it gave me so much confidence that I was able to do something that I really hesitated and was reluctant to do. So that's what I would advise. You know, advice I give to people is get comfortable being uncomfortable, because magical things will happen.

Rita Suzanne:

Yeah, I think that a lot of mom business owners are fearful of one being on camera and doing things that maybe they're uncomfortable with, and so they get into that complacent area, especially in business. So what is your, I guess? How did you get into your makeup line Like, how did that start?

Christina Flach:

So that's an interesting question. So I was a mom of all these kids and I was in a constant battle between my lip gloss and my tea or my water bottle, and I was not winning ever. So I thought there's got to be a lip gloss that you know that can last more than two sips of tea. And I couldn't find one, and the ones that I found were drying and irritating to the skin. So I thought, okay, how hard can this be? I'll just create my own.

Christina Flach:

Ignorance is, you know, bliss because you don't know what you don't know. Create my own Ignorance is bliss because you don't know what you don't know, right? So I found a beauty chemist and we took almost a year over a year to formulate the lip gloss, the lip plumper and the different colors and the texture and the whole thing. But I enjoyed every moment of the process. It was so much fun meeting with the chemist and learning you know the science behind these different oils and different you know products, different ingredients that are in the products. So I think that's a super important thing.

Christina Flach:

Whatever business that you, whatever endeavor, whatever business that you decide to go into, go into it because you love it so much that you'll do it for free, and then you need to figure out how to get paid, but you're going it for free, and then you need to figure out how to get paid, but you're going to resent it. You're going to resent whatever business you're doing if you're just doing it for the money. You don't love it Because, as you know, everything takes much more time and much more money.

Rita Suzanne:

That's true, and and, as a addict to lip gloss and and lip chapstick and everything, I literally have a little container over here with about six or seven chapsticks and lip glosses, and I'm a collector. I will try all the different kinds. I have them in my car, my purse, my desk.

Rita Suzanne:

I love it and they're everywhere. So I completely understand why you would say that, because if my lips don't have something on them, I just right it feels weird. Yeah, I don't know if, like it's weird, so I'm definitely going to have to check your stuff out, especially if it lasts longer than taking a sip.

Christina Flach:

Yes, it does, it does, and so what is it called again?

Rita Suzanne:

Pretty? You said Pretty Girl.

Christina Flach:

Pretty Girl, pretty Girl. So you go to prettygirlmakeupcom and we're offering a 25% discount code with Pretty Girl as the special word, as the coupon code.

Rita Suzanne:

Yeah, I love it. Okay, so what is your biggest source of revenue and how did you get to that point? How did you get there?

Christina Flach:

Well, it fluctuates a lot, you know it. You know my the lip gloss. So the lip gloss and the lip plumber. The lip plumber has sold out, so we're just have lip gloss right now with pretty girl, but I'm working on I'm too busy for skincare and so I started this brand because I have heard for years and years and years all my clients saying oh my gosh, I don't know what products I actually need.

Christina Flach:

I go to the department store or wherever they get their makeup and they're sold a bunch of things that they don't need, they're not appropriate for their lifestyle and that they don't know how to use. They're not a makeup artist, they don't have. You know, a typical person a mom or CEO or executive does not have time to contour, bake and do all these different things. So I just thought how are you going to get brand loyalty If you're selling your customers things that you know sit in a in a box or sit in their makeup drawer? I can't tell you how many people come to me with all these products. Oh well, I'm going to use it one day. You're never going to use it. If you're not using it, you're not going to use it. So what I urge people to do with all the makeup, with the gift, with purchases that we all love is put them a little gift bag together and give it to a friend or a neighbor who will use it. You know that's the right color, so you don't just have this stuff sitting there wasted. So I'm we're doing, we're in the midst of fundraising right now for for I'm too busy, but we're doing. You know, there's going to be something for brows, concealer, eyeshadows, eyeliner, mascara, cheek and lip, and that's it. I just want people to be able to look like the best versions of themselves quickly and easily.

Christina Flach:

And then, regarding the skincare line, you know, again, people buy. They have such good intentions and they buy all these beautiful, very expensive skincare lines that they don't use consistently, so they don't work. So I want there to be a three-step process for men and women to use to, you know, have beautiful skin. So, again, I worked with this amazing chemist in New York, steve Cochran, and he is the one that developed for Urban Decay, the setting spray. He's a genius. And so he said, like let's do something interesting with this three-step process.

Christina Flach:

And he said so tell me, what do you do first thing in the morning? And I said, oh, splashing my face with water. And he said, wrong, he goes. Do you drink the water that you splash your face with? And I said no, and he goes. So why would you put it on your skin? I'm like I don't know. So, anyway, he he said look, we're going to put, we're going to put a barrier up before you put the water on your skin. So we're going to put on the cleanser and the moisturizer, put it on your face as a shield and then put on the water. And so because oftentimes and you can think about this you go into the pool or you go in the water, there's minerals, there's chlorine, all these things in the water, and then your skin feels tight and it shows fine lines and wrinkles and it's really not good for your skin. So we've done that. And then the third step is a protectant of you know protecting, like a vitamin C serum. So that is what we're doing with that?

Rita Suzanne:

Oh, I love that. So one of the things that I love to talk about is what is a financial lesson that you can share with other mom business owners that you've learned along the way in your journey?

Christina Flach:

Well, I think the first thing is to get. I did not do this, so do as I say. Not as I do, but I'm doing. I've. You know, obviously, since beginning of that, I do this now.

Christina Flach:

I did not have a business plan. I had no idea what one was. The thought of it terrified me. I just had an American Express. I was self-funded and I just went along that way.

Christina Flach:

I think it's important to get a partner that you know. If you're a creative, find someone that has a business brain, that has experience in this, because there's so many things that you don't know that need to be done from a tax perspective, from a way of getting funding. There's all these things. You can't know everything, and so I think the biggest lesson a CEO can learn and know is hire the best people you can. Take your time to make sure. Don't rush through the hiring process. Make sure that they have the same work ethic you do, the same morals that you do, because you're going to be working closely with these people, they're going to be representing you and you want to make sure that they are going to fit. And let the people not to micromanage. That's one thing that I really don't do with my team. I don't sit and tell them okay, do this, oh, let me check it, and then I don't do that. I'm like this is what I need done. Do it what you know, show me what it is, and I let them have freedom, because I think people are happy when you, you know, give them an open door policy of telling you some great ideas they have. I can't think of everything you know, I really can't. I'm trying to do a million things but I can't. So if someone comes in with a great idea, I am so happy to listen and let's do it. So I think it makes for an environment where people are happy to be there because they feel like they're heard, they feel that they have freedom to do their job at a really high level, without someone like me that, like I don't know how to do all this tech stuff. So there's, I have no business telling anyone oh no, you need to do it like this, like that would be a waste of everyone's time. So I think that's a big deal. You know it's important.

Christina Flach:

And then also asking for advice from people that are in your industry and not in your industry. Other CEOs, other executives ask them. People are so, and that's one thing of because I still am a makeup artist. I love being a makeup artist, so I'm really blessed that I get to work with all these amazing people. I have Jamie Diamond, who's you know head of JP Morton, maria Bartolomeo from Fox, so I am very blessed that I get to hear all these amazingly brilliant people talk about business and different things that are going on in the world, because it's just like an education for me, and so it also enables me to ask them questions, and you would be shocked how generous and kind and willing people are to help you. So don't be ashamed or embarrassed. Ask people. I mean people come and ask me things, and I'm more than happy to share any knowledge or contacts that I have with people, so I think those are really important things to keep in mind.

Rita Suzanne:

So I think those are really important things to keep in mind. Yeah, I love that because I think that I love diving into other people's businesses. Obviously right, because I want to get an insight to how things are working for you and what is actually going well in your business, and I think that it's important to see not just what's going well but maybe the things that have not gone well. So have there been any mistakes that you've made specifically in your marketing that maybe were not so great that you would share with everybody?

Christina Flach:

Oh, absolutely, my God, do you have an hour and a half? You know you can have the best of intentions and think like, especially in the beauty industry it is so competitive and so erratic and changing every second, something that you're like sure is going to work. For example, I advertised an in-style magazine once, cause I'm like, oh, every at that time that was like everyone read that magazine. I sold nothing. I was waiting by my you know fax machine at the time because that's how orders would come in. Right, I couldn't believe it. So it's really hard to know what is going to work, and a lot of it is luck. I have to tell you, because I have a publicist and she would get me into all these amazing people magazine, vogue, you know us magazine, and then I got into this little magazine in Minneapolis, minnesota, that the article was four lines. I sold more lip gloss in that one week period than I sold in two quarters.

Christina Flach:

So you just never know, you don't know, and I wish I could be more like oh, you know, I don't know, I have kind of a problem paying some influencer some exorbitant sum of money. I don't know if I'm going to get it back. So a lot of it is, you can keep throwing spaghetti on the wall.

Rita Suzanne:

Yeah, because one of the interviews that I did yesterday we were talking about you know how people are always claiming to understand or have figured out the algorithm and how you know, like I'll teach you how to do the algorithm or this or that, and you know how to really master the whole thing, but really they, they really don't know, you know algorithms are constantly changing, and right and I know for a fact.

Christina Flach:

so as soon as you think you figured it out, it's going to change. So, thinking that you've got it figured out, you have for a few days or a week, but it's going to change. That's the one thing you you have to learn to pivot, and I don't believe in failure.

Rita Suzanne:

I don't believe there are failures, the only failure.

Christina Flach:

Failure is not and I take away the word trying execute, so I prefer to use executing. I prefer to say I'm going to execute this plan. Trying gives you wiggle worm to go.

Christina Flach:

Oh well, I tried, you didn't really try, right yeah so I remove try and I also remove failure out of my vocabulary. There is no failure. I am doing everything I can to make this successful. And sometimes there's. I mean there's always going to be a bump. Sometimes there's going to be a huge bump and you just have to pivot, and sometimes no.

Christina Flach:

I used to think why is this happening to me? Why is this happening to me? It's not. Sometimes it's happening for you. Sometimes it is like you know this, you need to just turn left instead of right.

Christina Flach:

It wasn't a failure, it was wow, I did learn. I mean, you always learn something from every experience. But you know and I don't harp on things that didn't work, it's like, okay, well, we tried our best with the knowledge we had at the time. That's what we decided to do. So I just feel like if you can just know the only failure is sitting there talking about something that you're thinking about doing and never doing it, and take the first step, do it. You know it'll take all that. Oh gosh, I don't have to be. You know people sit and worry oh my God, it's not going to work. Don't stop overthinking. Just do one thing. It'll lead to the next thing or it'll lead to something else.

Christina Flach:

So I've had things happen to me like the NBC thing where I've been on, you know, as a beauty expert for the last few years. I'm on it like three to four times a month. Um, I got this opportunity. Yesterday was my first show. I started a new TV show. This company in New York called me old, brave TV and they asked me to host my own show, which again I'm like hell, no, yeah. And so they're like look, and this was funny because they said well, our algorithm says that for your age, demographic, you know, you know what you're doing and a lot of people like you, so we want you and I'm just like an algorithm, I. So I'm just laughing that I popped up in an algorithm, right.

Christina Flach:

Yeah, well, I mean it, it it's working for you, so that, so that's well sometimes it works for me, but so, anyway, yesterday was my first show as a host and it's a TV show, it's on YouTube, it's on all the different platforms, and yesterday I interviewed one of my dearest friends who is this amazing philanthropist and she's a mom, she's a, you know, she's a CEO, she's all these amazing things. So I wanted to start this thing because I was really uncomfortable, because it's hard, like I have sponsors, so I have to go to commercial break and we have four 15 minute segments. That's a long time to be chatting with someone, even someone that I know really, really well. You know you have to ask questions and that pertain to this and so you know, have images of. So it was.

Christina Flach:

You know I have a producer that's doing everything in New York while I'm doing the show. So it was. You know I have a producer that's doing everything in New York while I'm doing the show. So it's, it was really intimidating, but you know, I survived and it wasn't nearly as bad as the craziness that I made up in my head that like, oh, my God, this is going to be like disaster. So I feel so much better and comfortable and confident after that first show's over.

Rita Suzanne:

It's just like you know, the more that you do it, the easier it'll become, and I always tell this story about the first time that I ever did a live video, it was through that app, periscope. And so this was 10 years ago. My coach had challenged me oh, we're going to get on Periscope, and I'm an introvert, I'm scared to death. And she says, no, we're going to do it. You know, she's an introvert as well, and so we're going to do it and it's going to be challenging and I swear to you, my heart was beating.

Christina Flach:

I thought I was going to pass out. I know out, I know, I know that feeling You're just ready, that you think you're having a heart attack.

Rita Suzanne:

Yes, it was the worst. It was the worst, but now I'm perfectly fine with it, you know. But again, it's been 10 years and you know so the more that you do it, the easier it becomes. And I think that that's goes to your point of just facing your fears and just going for it and just understanding that. You know I heard this thing one time and I always keep it with me that you know, no matter what happens to you, whether it's good or it's bad, there's always a lesson right. So it's always for your betterment, it's always for your benefit, for your betterment, and you just have to sit there and figure out what the lesson is. And I think that's where people go wrong. They think that they're being punished or something, and they're not.

Christina Flach:

No, I completely agree. It's happening for you, not to you, and I think also. I mean, just look at the confidence you have speaking in public. Speaking in public is terrifying for almost everyone. You know we can sit and chat when we're in class or with our friends, but when there's a camera on you especially my shows live it's a live show, so there's no buffer of. You know like it's like when I go on NBC and I do a live segment.

Christina Flach:

It's terrifying because this is a major network and if I mess it up, it's right, is a major network and if I mess it up, it's right. There's no edits, no, so it's so much easier. Like when we tape a segment, you know we have a couple hours to do, like a six or eight minute segment. It's so great because if I mess up, or my partner Berlin messes up which he rarely does, it's more me, but like we'll start laughing or something you know we can start over. So it's. You know, live TV is not forgiving, but you know, actually doing all these podcasts over the last six years has really helped me being able to speak comfortably in front of a camera. So all these things actually led up to me being able to do my own show, which was not something I expected to do, so I think being open is super important to opportunities. My agents will call you know with a job or something, and I always answer the phone. Yes, I'll do it.

Rita Suzanne:

And they're like you don't even know what it is.

Christina Flach:

I'm like doesn't matter, I'll do it Right, and if it's not a well-paid job. So, like magazines which I always want to do a magazine because you want a tear sheet for your book like a big deal, they don't pay very well, which is fine, I don't care. I did Marita Moreno for People Magazine. I would have paid People Magazine to let me do her makeup right. So I think you know getting in with a new team of producers or photographers or stylists, you know you do a good job. Maybe you don't get paid your full normal day rate, but you're. You know you do a good job. They're going to hire you back. You're on time, you do a good job and you're not paying the ass. They will call you back.

Christina Flach:

The hardest thing is getting in. I started working with Fox, food Network, bloomberg, all these different networks. The hardest part, honestly, was getting in, because they you know you have to do all this paperwork, all this vetting and all this stuff and once you're in, you're in which is which is nice, so more so, it's about creating those connections and in really like developing those and just maintaining them so that you are, yeah, I check in with different people I work with, but also I thank them.

Christina Flach:

You know, when I leave for the day, first of all, when I get there, I'm like wow, thank you so much for having me today. And at the end of the day I thank them again. They don't need to hire me. There's a million makeup artists in the world but I know that I go the extra 25 miles. I tend to my clients. I make sure that they're happy, that they have water, something to eat. I, you know, give them space. I give them. You know I really take care of them. And also, when I'm working on a show or a team, I'll help the lighting guy or I'll help this. I'll do whatever needs to be done. I don't think I'm above anything. Even after all these years and all the you know successes I've had. I am a very grateful and humble person and I don't think I'm better than anyone on the set at all. So I think because I'm not difficult, that's another one of the reasons I get hired.

Rita Suzanne:

I'm sure that speaks volumes, so, and so I feel like because you have a publicist and you have an agent, they do most of your marketing for you, so you're not necessary, and then you're building the relationship. So that's probably the aspect of your entails kind of like your marketing strategy. Or am I incorrect? Do you have another marketing strategy or?

Christina Flach:

Oh, there's more, there's more. I have two assistants. I have one that pretty much does all my bookings for podcasts and article. I write. I'm also a writer, I write a lot of beauty articles as well, so she does that's Maya and she does all that stuff. And then I have Avery, who is in charge of all the social media and the marketing and the websites and you know getting stuff on YouTube and the articles up on. We do a blog on the website. We get all the videos from different TV shows. I'm on, put it on the website. We get all the videos from different TV shows. I'm on, put it on the website there.

Christina Flach:

You cannot get lackadaisical with a portfolio. As a makeup artist, it constantly needs to get updated. If I do a shoot, I have to keep track of who that celebrity was or who that client was, because if there's anything out in the world I want to get that image. So I need to get it to my all three of my agents. I have to get it to Avery to put on you know ChristinaFlackcom, which is my personal website a portfolio. So it's a lot of work. We also I will have Avery. She'll send out, you know, a couple of times a month to different event coordinators, different, I mean hotel everything. We are constantly coming up with an email blast of current work, things that we've done articles, I've written, tv shows, I'm on to keep the money flowing in. So it's a constant thing between you know, getting press for the makeup line and then getting press for me. So it's kind of like two businesses.

Rita Suzanne:

I think what is most important is that people hear that you have a team and that you trust other people to help you with all of the things that you have to do. And that is the most important, because I find a lot of mom business owners are resistant to delegating, and so that again goes to your point that you mentioned earlier delegate, do not micromanage. And I believe in delegating early and and delegating quickly, especially if you're trying to scale and grow your business, because you can delegate and then that way you can focus on the generating the sales and the leads that you need Absolutely.

Christina Flach:

I think that's where people business owners, you know get into trouble. They're control freaks and you can't control everything and you should be focusing like I know I'm really good at creating products I'm good at I mean, I know what my skills are, but I also know what my weaknesses are and it's not worth my time to be focused on something that I have no idea how to build a website. It's not worth the time and effort. So I let Avery I just let her do whatever and she feels good about it because she's you know she's being respected.

Christina Flach:

I'm really. I think I'm a pretty easy person to work for. I'm very positive. I don't get mad very often. I'm not going to say I don't get mad ever, but when I do I'm.

Christina Flach:

It's bad. If it's gotten to the point where I'm about to erupt, it's really bad. And the only things that really will irritate the hell out of me are someone not telling me the truth. I don't care if you make a mistake, we all make them, it's not a big deal. But come to me ahead of time and just tell me like, oh gosh, I made a mistake, because I have to do that sometimes.

Christina Flach:

Sometimes I'm like, you know, my assistant, maya is amazing and I know it drives her crazy when I'm like oh, I have a shoot, oh, I can't, I forgot I have an appointment, even though she scheduled me something, and so I really try to be respectful to her and I also praise her and thank her for all that she does. And I cause I can't. I couldn't do all the things I do without my team. I mean, there's no way that I could do all of this stuff. It's impossible. And so I am really grateful for the amazing team that I have and they're they're very they're very special and they're really hardworking and they're very loyal and I love them all.

Rita Suzanne:

Yay, okay, so let's pivot a little as we kind of wrap up and let's talk about your favorite. Do you have any favorite tools, apps, software, anything that you use that kind of makes your life, your um, your day easier to run, your?

Christina Flach:

business. Um, let's see, there's Calendry. I do that. We use that. Um, what other? Um Diptych, I use that a lot for, um, we use that a lot for creating images or video out of pictures. So the algorithm at the moment likes video more than still photography, still pictures on, you know, Instagram or TikTok or whatever, so you can make them with that, you can add music, so that one I really like a lot. Um, and then you know, I use the Dropbox all the time for images. I just need to with my business, with my clients and that. So those are two major ones that I use, but I'm trying to think of a dip tick.

Rita Suzanne:

I'm going to have to check it out D-I-P-T-I-C-K.

Christina Flach:

Yeah, it's great, it is really a good one. You can add, like you know, 10 different images and it'll turn it into a video. It'll move. So you know, the algorithm likes that.

Rita Suzanne:

So yeah, that's great. Okay. So are you currently reading or listening to anything right now that you want to share? It doesn't have to be business related, but do you read or I'm a?

Christina Flach:

total nerd. I am a total nerd and I love to read. So you know, at night, when I get into bed, I can't wait to go read my book. So right now I'm reading, I think, the fourth book by Kevin Kwan, the guy that wrote Crazy Rich Asians. Oh, okay, he has a new book out that I'm devouring and I love. So I love to read. I just think it's such a nice way to end the day.

Christina Flach:

I don't sleep fantastically all the time, so I wake up in the middle of the night. I read on an iPad so I can turn off the light. So it's in the dark, so it doesn't. I just want it to put me back to sleep. So I do that. I also do a meditation app, the, you know, the Breathe app. I will do that. I'll do meditation apps. I think those are really good to center yourself and just keep a clear head. So I think you know all these things. You know, I think.

Christina Flach:

Well, you know, self-care is not selfish. It just enables you to be a better version of you, a better everything. I think it's important to get enough rest, to exercise, drink a lot of water, eat well, not a lot of sugar. I take supplements, I drink green juice and I exercise and those are something that those are have-tos. Every day I either go to yoga, pilates, go for hike, lift weights, you know, go play golf what something. Because those are the things that make me cause. My job is physical. If I'm on a shoot, I'm on my feet all day and I'm running around, so I really need to be in good shape. And also, I cannot go on TV or a podcast like this talking about beauty and wellness if I look like a disheveled mess. So I can't.

Christina Flach:

I, you know I want to inspire people to be the best versions of themselves. So, you know, exercise and rest and eating well or all, and being grateful and happy and laughing. Just enjoy life. You know you have the life. I truly believe that you have the life that you decide to have. If you want to be happy and laugh and be successful, all those things, these are all possibilities that can happen, but you have to just decide. It's not. You know you, things are going to change and just know nothing's going to stay the same. So if you can get used to constant change, you're going to be happy. Just know you have to pivot. Sometimes. Everything will work out. Always, it always does.

Rita Suzanne:

I love that. So you answered my last question, which was about self-care, already, so we did that. So tell everyone where they can find you. Where are you?

Christina Flach:

at. You can find me on ChristinaFlackcom I'm Too Busy TV Pretty Girl Makeup and I'm TooBusycom as well, and we're on Facebook, instagram, tiktok, linkedin, twitter.

Rita Suzanne:

I mean apps yes. I love it. Thank you so much, it's been such a pleasure.

Christina Flach:

Thank you, so nice to meet you.

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