Mom Owned and Operated

The Secrets of Holistic Health and Well-Being with Dr. Elizabeth Davidson

Rita Suzanne Season 5 Episode 68

In this episode of the Mom Owned and Operated podcast, Rita Suzanne and Dr. Elizabeth Davidson discuss raising a family, running a business and remembering yourself.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson is a Holistic and intuitive doctor, functional bloodwork specialist, clairvoyant, plant medicine expert, entrepreneur, author, forager, skier, and single mom. Everyone's health is a puzzle and she combines science and intuition to help people put that puzzle together, solving chronic illness, autoimmune disorders and helping people live their best lives.

You can connect with Elizabeth on her website, on Facebook, on YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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Rita Suzanne:

Hi, this is Mom Owned and Operated. I am Rita, suzanne, and today I have my guest, dr Elizabeth, with me and I'm so excited to chat with you today.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

Please tell everyone all about you, your business and your family today, rita, I'm excited to meet you and connect with your people. So I'm a holistic and intuitive doctor and what I've been working on my entire life is healing chronic illness and autoimmune disorders and, yeah, just really rebuilding health from a foundational level, so that, so that myself and and people that I work with can live their lives at their best, um, rather than always chasing symptoms and, um, never feeling well or having enough energy to do what they want to do. I truly believe that if we all have the most health that we can have, then we're going to be able to contribute the most to our families and our communities and the world. And I've been a single mom for a long, long time. My daughter is turning 16 soon, and so it certainly made me up my game and being as healthy as I can so that I can, you know, give the most to her and make sure that she has the best start in life and foundation for flying.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

You know, because I didn't. I was really sick, starting when I was quite young, like I started getting migraines when I was four and fibromyalgia symptoms when I was seven. I didn't get a diagnosis right off, because they don't diagnose seven year olds with that, but it was bad enough. I wasn't allowed to walk the summer I was seven because my hips were so inflamed and then my health problems just like, piled on and piled on and got worse from there, piled on and piled on and got worse from there. So been experimenting and searching and learning with my own health since I was a little kid and now, in my mid forties, I'm pretty healthy, like I feel good.

Rita Suzanne:

I, I, I think that I feel like a lot of women and moms that I know who are in their 40s feel this overwhelming frustration with their health right at this age. Is that something that your clients are also expressing to you?

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

you? Oh for sure, you know it's a lot of the people that I work with have multiple symptoms and they're, you know, they're kind of vague, like pain and fatigue and stuff like that. Some of them have diagnoses. I think diagnosis is kind of a cop out for medical doctors, you know. You put, like I remember when I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia I went in and said I had lots of pain and like my muscles and my joints and all of that. And then they tell me fibromyalgia, which translates to fibro is fibers, must, myo is muscle and alga is pain. Like I just told you that I had that and you just put it in Latin to be fancy.

Rita Suzanne:

And there's no like real treatment for it right.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

Right Because it's just made up. And a big frustration that I have with a lot of my clients is that they've gone, they've been trying, you know, they've gone and gotten their blood work done and they've been. They've tried different dietary changes and all of that and often, according to the medical ranges, their blood work is just normal. So the doctors tell them they're just fine or it's all in their head or they've got anxiety. And that can be the most frustrating thing. When you know there's something off with your health and then you're just told that there's not and there's nothing more they can do for you. I feel like that's the most frustrating thing. So I tell my clients all the time well, you know your body better than anyone. You live in it 24 seven. So if you think something is off, you're right because you're the expert on you.

Rita Suzanne:

Yeah, and just keep pushing forward right.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

Yeah, and and if you're not getting answers from the practitioners you're working with, like, start thinking outside the box and getting getting some other opinions. And that's often where I come in. I would love to come in on the level where people come see me before they go through the whole medical route and trying different diagnoses and medications and all of that. But often I'm the other opinion person and then I'm the one who's gonna dive deep into why they're, why they're feeling like they're feeling what those blood work numbers actually mean, what's happened in their lives to put them on this path, to lead them to where their health is and to really turn on their own healing power, because we all have so much healing power. I mean, many of us created humans with our bodies like something like fibromyalgia, no big deal after you grew a human.

Rita Suzanne:

Right, so what are some of the things that you are helping these or your clients with?

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

Like what kind of symptoms and stuff?

Rita Suzanne:

Well, like what are, yeah, like what are the symptoms, or like what are the issues that they're having, that you're helping them with?

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

I mean, I feel like one of the biggest issues is just that they're not being heard by their medical doctors, and a lot of the people I work with are kind of at this transitional age, like sort of where we are in our forties, um, hormones are shifting again, our kids are growing up, um, there's a lot of change going on that's not really acknowledged in our normal healthcare system, and so what I do is kind of help people put together all of those pieces like the emotional piece of you know your kids are getting older and you're discovering yourself again, the the hormonal piece of oh, we're heading toward menopause and our hormones are changing yet again. If only they could stay stable for a few years, right and um and kind of the. The mental piece of I like, once you're in your forties, I feel like you really know yourself on a deep level.

Rita Suzanne:

So then you ever have before.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

And that mental piece of putting it all together like, like making it okay to be really confident in yourself and and in what you know about yourself, rather than just being, you know, asking for experts to tell you, like really digging deep into what you really know Um, that's the, the. When I said holistic and intuitive, intuitive doctor, like that intuitive piece is really big, like, have you ever had a gut feeling? Of course, right have you ever um not followed a gut feeling? Yes, how'd that work out for you?

Rita Suzanne:

not great not great.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

so that gut feeling is your intuition, which everyone has it, and when we don't follow it, things don't go well. And so really helping people tap into that so that they can know on a deep level what's really right and what direction to go.

Rita Suzanne:

So what are some of the things that we can heal Like? What are some of our, I guess ailments?

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

I don't even know what to how to classify it or how to say it, how to word it. Sure, I mean, lots of the people I work with come to me with symptoms like fatigue or chronic pain. A lot of them do have autoimmune diagnoses. I've helped people with lupus, with fibromyalgia, with multiple sclerosis, with rheumatoid arthritis, with hemochromatosis, like all kinds of things. A lot of people are seeing me for help with going into this perimenopause, menopause phase of life.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

If we haven't been taking care of our hormones for all this time, then that can be a pretty tricky time. So, yeah, those are a lot of the issues that I see with people, and anxiety is a big one, and I don't know how much like how true anxiety is, because often that's like the default diagnosis for the medical doctor, like if you go in with like your thyroid doesn't isn't functioning well, but you're, but you're your blood work still normal. Or your hormones don't feel right, but your blood work still normal. Or you're tired all the time, but your blood work is still normal, or you're tired all the time, but your blood work is still normal. They often just tell you that you have anxiety and try to put you on a medication for that, and it's almost like like you're, you're concerned, or you're worried about this thing, so you have anxiety over it.

Rita Suzanne:

Well, yeah. Yeah.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

And medication is not the answer. When it comes to that, there's there's so many other things to do, so help me solve them.

Rita Suzanne:

So what do some of the treatments like that you often use look like?

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

Yeah um, well, I first I you know dig really deep into the why. Like I don't care as much what is going on for someone health-wise, but the why is what I care about. Um, so the plan after that is all about rebuilding the foundation of health. So that can involve some mindset, things like what I was just saying about intuition and following what you know about yourself. That's huge, like helping people retrain to be able to do that without having to think about it so hard, you know, like just be able to do that as a reflex. I also help people like sometimes I'll use some supplements not many at a time, but um, some supplements to help with like a gut reset, like getting your gut healthy again, because gut is such a big foundational piece of any other part of health. So we'll use a few months of supplements for that. Um, occasionally there are dietary changes. Um, sometimes it's as simple as just talking someone through, like proper hydration and sleep, um, but yeah, the foundation of health is really, really important.

Rita Suzanne:

So it's really like a holistic view and it's just really customized to what each person needs trying to add like 15 things at once is never going to work.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

It's just going to be overwhelming. So I like to change one or two things at a time and really build that foundation up so that we're not so that we can also like see the difference on a clearer level. Like when you just change one or two things, you can really clearly see the difference where, if you throw 15 things at something like I've gone to a naturopath before and come out with like nine supplements, what do I even do? And none of them were from health. And if you try to digest nine supplements and your gut's not healthy, it's not gonna work Right. So so not that like one or two things at a time. So it's simple and doable.

Rita Suzanne:

I think that that's the smartest approach anyways, because then you can actually see what's working and what's maybe not working, versus investing in all of these supplements which, by the way, are so expensive, especially for quality ones expensive, especially for quality ones. Yeah, so do you think that there is a correlation between health and wealth, since we have a lot of mom business owners on here?

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

Of course I mean they rhyme, so that's a good start.

Rita Suzanne:

Of course right, they must go together.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

They do go together. I mean, if you think about it, you know if if your health isn't good, it's really hard to do anything else. So to bring in wealth is just that much harder if your health isn't already in place. But also increasing your health especially the way I do it with helping people rebuild their confidence around it and and really rebuilding, like it's a lot of rebuilding your self image and seeing how powerful you are as a person, as a body, as a human, and and building that connection to your body, because a lot of us are really disconnected from our bodies and that's part of why we have a lot of health problems. So rebuilding all that, it just increases your vibration and increases your level of function and when you're just functioning on that higher level, you can you bring in more money, just happens.

Rita Suzanne:

Yeah, I was. I was thinking that too when you were saying that, because I was thinking as far as the disconnect, and I do feel, like you know, as women, as moms and and briefly, like how we discussed you know when, the reason why I started this was, you know, the whole, everything was just kind of happening at one time. But as moms and business owners and just women in general, I find that, you know, we're just so overwhelmed with all the things that we often just become disconnected with ourselves, disconnected with ourselves. And that was one of the reasons why I started this, because I wanted to know, like, how are, how are other people like taking care of themselves, like what are you doing for yourself? Because I used to be such a huge advocate, proponent for self care and then I had to step away, I guess. I mean, I didn't have to, I chose to, for, you know, survival sake, step away from taking care of myself. So that's why I love talking about self-care so much, because it's so important.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

It is so important and that's why it's um, like the first thing that I do with a client is is help them implement that self-care piece. So my number one recommendation for anyone is to schedule in at least 10 minutes a day. That's just for you. Your kids aren't allowed to interrupt, your phone's not allowed to interrupt, your dog's not allowed to interrupt unless your dog is super peaceful and you're out. You know communing with that, but you don't have to do anything for anyone except for you.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

And just to. I mean, even if you just sit there and just think about how great you are, like all of the amazing things that you did for yourself in that day, or if you just go for a walk and let your mind relax, those are a couple of things that can be super powerful. But making sure you do it every day and take that 10 minutes just for you, because it puts you first for at least 10 minutes a day. And if you can put yourself first for that long, that's a big step, because most of us don't, cause I mean, you know, once you become a mom, you're always putting your kid first.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

Yeah, like it just happens, um but, so I recommend that people start with that 10 minutes a day, because that's some of the most basic self-care you can do. And if you can add like five minutes a week to that, you know, like first week do it for 10 minutes, the next week do it for 15 and add, you know, until you get to like an hour a day of just focusing on you and how amazing you are, all the amazing things you've done, how you're healing, and just diving deep into all the good about yourself. It grows yourself in big ways.

Rita Suzanne:

I love that. So, during that time, what are you doing for yourself, what are you doing and what do you recommend that other people do?

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

I mean for me, I will, um, there's a couple of things I do Like. Sometimes it's just going for a walk and just uh really focusing on my breathing while I do that, and then the other thing that I'm working on getting better at is, uh is, journaling. Um, I don't love writing things down, but I do find it uh helpful and challenging to keep working on a list of all of the great things that I do, or that that I am, you know, really focusing on the positive.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

you know, I think, especially as women, we tend to focus on the negative you know I'm I'm too fat, I'm too like, I'm not pretty enough or, uh, I I don't have the good enough clothes or whatever it might be, I'm not smart enough. All of those things come up for us often and shifting that focus to how amazing we are and writing it down, because then you can go back and read it yeah, or like you know being in a state of worry all the time.

Rita Suzanne:

What about this, you know, especially when you have kids, you know, worrying about their safety and stuff. So I used to journal so much. And when I say I stopped taking care of myself, that's what I'm mostly referencing, because I used to journal every single day and I stopped doing that and I, like you, I find I'm finding it very hard to get back into doing it and even to this day I still am trying to get back into it the way that I used to, because I used to love it so much and I will say I it's not that I love it, I found it so helpful and so when I stopped it, I felt, you know, like I should have have been doing it because it was so helpful to me. So I need to do it again. So I love the advice of the 10 minutes because I'm like I need to just do that.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

And what if you just wrote down one thing a day that you appreciate about yourself?

Rita Suzanne:

Right, right.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

Because I will do.

Rita Suzanne:

I am constantly in a state of gratitude. I, you know I will say that, am constantly in a state of gratitude. I, you know I will say that I'm in a state of gratitude. I'm always, you know, trying to be positive and all of those things. So I try to to do that at minimum. But it's a lot different because you know, they say like 80% of our thoughts are subconsciously negative. So you know, by journaling you're supposed to be helping combat that negativity that you can't even help. That's there, yeah, yeah.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

And then if you write down one thing a day, then after a month you have like 30 things and you can go read those and be like, after a year you have 365. Like.

Rita Suzanne:

Oh, I know, and I, so I used to say, I used to say this all the time I used to do um I used to have this journal uh, the best journal, I think, is what it's called Um and it was like a planner and inside of the planner, at the bottom, it had a section where it would be you know your gratitude, three things that you're grateful for today. And I would do it, but you can't repeat it, Right? So every day you would have to come up with three new things that you are grateful for, right, because your default is like, oh, I'm grateful for my kids, I'm grateful for the sunshine, I'm grateful to be alive. You know, like, those are the, you know the things. And then you know you would have to come up with new things and then, um, so every day it's.

Rita Suzanne:

It would make you really just like, take a deeper look at yourself and like, what, what is there, what else is there? And you just really start paying attention to the tiny little things that are impacting your life that you're so grateful for. And I think it's really important and, you know, I I suggest it to everyone, so you know. So what else are you doing for yourself, dr Elizabeth?

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

So much. One of the probably the biggest thing that I do for myself is I schedule in my playtime so that I don't miss it. Because you know I mean I'm a business owner, you're a business owner and a mom like you can put all of your time into your business and your kids and and just try to fit in the playtime, the happy time, the joy time. But if you don't schedule it in, like you have to create time for it, you can't just find time and that's a big difference, I think, is the creating time versus finding time. And also, you know I'm really good with my diet and my sleep and you know all those foundational things. But yeah, scheduling in my time for fun, because fun is another one of those things that really raises your vibration and that helps heal things in so many ways, not just the physical.

Rita Suzanne:

Yeah, I think it's important to add it to our schedule Because oftentimes you know, like you said, as business owners, like our default is to like our spare time is working right. That's what we do. We work.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

And. I know my brain, my business, even if I'm not actively working. So finding something that takes my brain out of my business for a little while is really good.

Rita Suzanne:

Yes, I love it. Okay, so where can people find you, where are you online and where can we connect with you?

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

Well, my website is drelizabethdavidsoncom. Dr is just DR, not doctor spelled out. And um, if you go to my blog page, there's a couple freebies in there that you can access. Um, there's one to help your kids and one to help you, nice and um, I'm also on Instagram and Facebook. And I'm also on Instagram and Facebook and LinkedIn and all the places but my on the on my website. You can connect my Instagram through there and all the things, so that's probably the good place.

Rita Suzanne:

I will put all the links and stuff in the show notes and it's been such a pleasure chatting with you. I appreciate you for taking the time and spending it with us.

Dr. Elizabeth Davidson:

Yeah, of course you too. Thanks for having me on.

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